My Hair Journey: 1Year Old

A year Ago I had the "Big Chopped"
I felt Good, I felt re-new and most importantly of all I was doing something for myself!
I've done it before, when I graduated from High school, this time felt different, I was confident, I wanted to GO NATURAL, and GROWN it Was not Difficult...I went to the Barber Shop along with my uncle and Cousin...
My hubby was not happy with it, he was like: "I don't want to be marry to a Bold Women" LOL I told my husband, I was not a bold women I was his time went by he got used to it...and I was enjoying every little moment of it... There where "taught" periods of the growth that I didn't know what  to do with it...but going to parties and events was not hard, I always found something interesting to do with my Afro. When it was long enough I braided... and that's a way of changing a bit and growing the hair...I promise I won't damage my hair with chemicals! I am Loyal to my hair now, I am even taking good care of it, I've been very patient with it...Thanks to my DETERMINATION, here am I, with my Afro and it's Phases:
Enjoy it...

Yes I did had people look at my hair, asking me if I will perm my hair, and I still will deal with questions and Long as I am HAPPY with my hair and myself! There's NO ONE who's going to make me feel uncomfortable about my choice!

Hell NO!
XOXO ;) 
Truly Your,
First Blow Dry.... After 11 Months...
My Hair is Currently this length and I am Loving it!

In Nov. 2012 I did my first twists 

New Year's Eve I my hair was Growing Slowly and my Natural Journey was on it's first days...
On Graduation Day Dec. 2011 my Hair was permed...
On my Last days of School, before graduation I was Wearing my hair like that (In transiction) 
In Feb. 2011 on Vday my Hair was like that! Like it?!


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